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- A system of pipes that transports water, sanitary and stormwater.
If we are not building in or on top of the water, creating systems to cleanse the water, or dredging, we are helping construct the underground piping infrastructure to control and manage the flow. Our specialty equipment that helps us construct amazing structures for our other divisions also lends its abilities to helping install or repair water, sewer and sanitary lines throughout the state. Along with these services we have constructed the utilities and site pads for commercial buildings.

Below is a list of the services that we perform for our clients under our utilities division.
Sewer / Water Utilities
Subsurface Drainage
Pad Development

With our utility infrastructure starting to age past its usability, HDD has been helping replace or repair the service lines. Our specialty long reaches, low ground pressure machines, and talented tradesmen, allow us to help the typical general contractor complete jobs that their machinery cannot perform. With the numerous projects that we have been asked to be a part of, HDD formed a team to dedicate their time focusing on helping revitalize the aging infrastructure.

HDD Utility Projects
Elevated Sewer of Piling Foundation
Fort Eustis needed to replace a sewer line that was elevated across a pond. The original wooded piling supports were deteriorating creating a support issue for the elevated utility line. HDD launched numerous sectional barges to create a large deck for the crane to be able to drive the piles into the pond floor. After the installation of the new service utility, we demolished the old structure.
Pedestrian/Vehicle Bridge
In the middle of the wooded trail in Short Pump Park, we constructed a timber bridge that crosses over a stream that winds through the park.
Before the final inspection, mother nature wanted us to redo a section of the bridge. Mother nature always wins!
Bridge Rebuild
We built a 12' x 25' bridge to span the creek on Upton Road for Chesterfield County. The bridge is strong enough to hold a Fire Truck.

This trail job located in Charlottesville is approximately 1,750 linear feet of stone dust trail that was completed in April of 2019. The trail runs adjacent to Meadow Creek and includes three pedestrian bridges that span over wetlands and wet areas of the trail. The three bridges total 310 linear feet, are constructed from timber, and are set on helical piles. The trail aspect of the project included erosion control measures, clearing and grubbing, excavation, grading, subgrade prep, and the installation and compaction of stone dust. This section of trail is a part of the extensive Rivanna Trail which is a 20-mile trail around Charlottesville.

Pile Test
Timmons Group reached out to Harbor Dredge and Dock to develop a pile testing system for potential solar farms. We conducted extensive research and engineered a system that could drive the steel beams and then test them for vertical and lateral loads once driven. These tests were performed to explore the soil bearing capacity in these sites, and the data received helps Timmons Group design the future solar farms. We have completed numerous sites around the state of Virginia for Timmons Group and are proud that this work helps provide cleaner, renewable energy as well as help reduce our carbon footprint.

Pole Barn
In June of 2019, HDD constructed a 40’ x 80’ pole barn for New Kent County. This barn is a timber structure with a sheet metal roof and prefabricated trusses. Once completed the structure was opened to the public as a farmers' market for the county.

Pedestrian Bridge
HDD removed and replaced a pedestrian bridge for a homeowner’s association in Henrico County that was damaged due to storm events. We removed and disposed of the old bridge and then installed a new one in like kind.